Start Project
Start Project
34 years or 280 million heartbeats spent
on studying Chinese characters
During his study Chinese he discovered his personal ‘philosopher’s stone’: the answer to his cosmopolitan urge/vocation namely the immeasurable forest of universal images and associations in the Chinese script. With the aid of western and Chinese/Japanese sources he analyzed about 7000 characters, molded the result in a unique didactical form, thus creating the lexicon China-Y.
The author spent 34 years, or 280 million heartbeats, in developing the book. The final product emerged from four basic manuscripts, based on 87 sources of investigation. Numerous participants made small or large contributions to its ‘birth’. 7000 characters were analysed. About 4000 characters are to be published. A total of 65,000 hours of investigation and production were spent in achieving the final result.